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Rebecca Emberley

Rebecca Emberley
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Books by Rebecca Emberley


If You're A Monster And You Know It (2010)

This was a story time book for the baby session. I liked the spin on "If You're Happy and You Know It," though I felt the older kids present really got it more than the time's intended audience (thought both story times always have the same kids, so our librarian can just plan for those kids ins...

If You're A Monster And You Know It (2010) by Rebecca Emberley

There Was An Old Monster! (2009)

I love all stories made that resembles the original story of the old Lady swallowing a fly.... I don't know why? Halloween is my favorite holiday of all times and this book is fitting for the fall season or anytime really.... T"here Was An Old Monster who swallowed a tick, I don't know why he ...

There Was An Old Monster! (2009) by Rebecca Emberley

The Red Hen (2010)

This is a good retelling of the story, one that could be used in storytime due to the brevity of words. I like to find folk and fairy tales that are easy enough to share with preschoolers, but still encompass the whole of the story. I do agree with Mary, the ending would be "nicer" if the hen fou...

The Red Hen (2010) by Rebecca Emberley

The Ant and the Grasshopper (2012)

If you're expecting the classic Aesop fable of the ant who toils and the grasshopper who plays and how both get their just desserts, forget it. Here the hard working ant finds that the grasshopper and his band make music that lightens her hard work, and she in turn offers them a chance to get out...

The Ant and the Grasshopper (2012) by Rebecca Emberley

Mice on Ice (2012)

Very few rhyming lines comprise the text of this winter romp; the title says it all. Colorfully dressed and overly cute mice go ice skating. Their skating maneuvers create all sorts of designs on the ice. But the “someone is waiting” line should put readers on alert. The mice look down, and (Oh, ...

Mice on Ice (2012) by Rebecca Emberley

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