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Rachel West

Rachel West
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3.84 of 5 Votes: 3
Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.83

Books by Rachel West


The Cellmate (2010)

I enjoyed this sweet story. The picture we get of Andy before prison is not positive. He was spoiled and immature and incredibly mean to his ex-boyfriend. Jesse was also messed up, with misplaced guilt and a healthy dose of self-hatred. But during their time in prison, Andy is full of sincere re...

The Cellmate (2010) by Rachel West

Everything Under the Sun (2010)

Loved this book. Anyone looking for a nice contemporary read should definitely pick this up. I had this in my “Wish List” for quite a while and I’m kicking myself I didn’t buy it sooner.Contrary to the cover, this is not a threesome story. We do get a peek inside the heads of all 3 characters, wh...

Everything Under the Sun (2010) by Rachel West

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