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Rachel Seiffert

Rachel Seiffert
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.34

Books by Rachel Seiffert


The Dark Room (2002)

I might rather give this 3.5 or 3.75, but skewing up for ambition. Although the characters were so well drawn it was hard to let go of them and move to the next story, I disagree with the reviewers who felt that it was a flaw in the book to keep each storyline separate. The author faced tradeoffs...

The Dark Room (2002) by Rachel Seiffert

Afterwards (2007)

The author chooses a note-like style, and dialogue is signalled by dashes. This has the effect of enfolding everything into a continuous whole of connected thought, word and deed as the characters seem to engage in a dance around each other. It has an almost hypnotic effect and kept me reading, a...

Afterwards (2007) by Rachel Seiffert

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