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R. Kelly

R. Kelly
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Books by R. Kelly


Soulacoaster: The Diary of Me (2012)

R.Kelly "Soulacoaster"!When I first heard R.Kelly was writing a "tell-all" book, I had mixed feelings. I thought to myself,as a music fan do I really want to know everything about the music industry's most celebrated male artist? I started to question what were his motives and intentions for w...

Soulacoaster: The Diary of Me (2012) by R. Kelly

The Soulacoaster: The Diary of Me (2013)

I must confess I am a huge R Kelly fan. I've seen him perform a couple times and will go to see his shows everytime they come my way. I was excited to read this book because I like his music so much and so I was looking forward to learning more about him. At first I found it difficult to engage w...

The Soulacoaster: The Diary of Me (2013) by R. Kelly

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