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Paula Marantz Cohen

Paula Marantz Cohen
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Books by Paula Marantz Cohen


Much Ado About Jessie Kaplan (2005)

Touting itself as the story of a grandmother (Jessie Kaplan) who begins having flashbacks of her life as the mysterious Dark Lady of Shakespeare's sonnets, this book piqued my interest as I was browsing the shelves at my favorite used book store. Having read it, I now quite agree with another rev...

Much Ado About Jessie Kaplan (2005) by Paula Marantz Cohen

Jane Austen in Boca (2003)

It is a truth universally acknowledged that, ninety percent of the time, under favorable circumstances, and in moderately believable situations, an attempt at modernizing a Jane Austen plot cannot fail. Although I would not go so far as to say that "Jane Austen In Boca" is my most favorite Austen...

Jane Austen in Boca (2003) by Paula Marantz Cohen

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