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Paul Bowles

Paul Bowles
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Books by Paul Bowles


The Spider's House (2006)

The trick with historical novels is to make them equally specific and general. Reading them a long time after the events they depict have transpired, one should ideally feel the same sense of urgency of history being lived and written, as well as comprehending the socio-political context of their...

The Spider's House (2006) by Paul Bowles

The Sheltering Sky (2007)

"He did not think of himself as a tourist; he was a traveler. The difference is partly one of time, he would explain. Whereas a tourist generally hurries back home at the end of a few weeks or months, the traveler, belonging no more to one place than to the next, moves slowly, over periods of yea...

The Sheltering Sky (2007) by Paul Bowles

Points in Time (2006)

The pieces included in Points in Time are brief and dreamlike, and entirely effective in painting a historical portrait of Bowles' adopted homeland, Morocco. Although written twenty-five years ago, these short prose poems are surprisingly effective at exploring the divide between Islam and the W...

Points in Time (2006) by Paul Bowles

The Delicate Prey and Other Stories (2006)

The Delicate Prey, yeah, and they are, but I had a feeling that if I could peak out of the corner of my eye when no one was looking that I would see a predator licking someone else's blood off their own paws. They would curl into a tired ball after a fit of violence they wouldn't have wanted to h...

The Delicate Prey and Other Stories (2006) by Paul Bowles

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