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Patti Hill

Patti Hill
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3.79 of 5 Votes: 3
Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.56

Books by Patti Hill


Seeing Things (2009)

This was a totally charming story. Birdie is a fun narrator who tries to help her family, be independent, and goes on adventures with Huck Finn of all people. It's also a well-designed story. I started the semester with The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in my American Lit class, so I had finishe...

Seeing Things (2009) by Patti Hill

The Queen of Sleepy Eye (2008)

Another pickup at the local book exchange; great title (even if I didn't have some sort of long-ago family connection in Sleepy Eye) and I looked forward to seeing how a book written today would handle a teenager of 1975.So... mixed feelings about this. I think it partly fits in a category I've n...

The Queen of Sleepy Eye (2008) by Patti Hill

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