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Patrick Jones

Patrick Jones
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Books by Patrick Jones


The Tear Collector (2009)

I dont think I've ever read a book with the phrase "what do you mean?" in almost every page before. :-) Anyway I liked this "new type" of vampires. Something different, the book is easy to read and follow along. It ended like it there will be a sequel.... I hope so.... I think Cassandra is going ...

The Tear Collector (2009) by Patrick Jones

Things Change (2006)

"I guess love isn't enough sometimes." How far would you go in order to maintain a loving relationship? To what extent would you go? Where's the boundary? Before answering these questions, picture yourself as 17 year old Johanna. Johanna has had the longest crush on the bad-boy of the high school...

Things Change (2006) by Patrick Jones

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