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Norah Lofts

Norah Lofts
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Books by Norah Lofts


Anne Boleyn (1986)

While I quite enjoyed this book and the detail and attention that Norah Lofts payed to Anne Boleyn’s life, there seemed to be an underlying current running through the book which really made me scratch my head at times. While reading it appeared to me that Lofts actually believed that Anne Boley...

Anne Boleyn (1986) by Norah Lofts

The Town House (1959)

I clearly remember trying to read a Norah Lofts novel about 30 years ago when I was laid up in hospital for 3 months expecting my first child and just couldnt get into it. Maybe I was just not ready or there were too many distractions and worries but I am sorry to say I abandoned her - until now...

The Town House (1959) by Norah Lofts

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