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Nicole Blum

Nicole Blum
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Books by Nicole Blum


Improv Sewing: A Freeform Approach to Creative Techniques; 101 Fast, Fun, and Fearless Projects: Dresses, Tunics, Scarves, Skirts, Accessories, Pillows, Curtains, and More (2012)

I'm so glad that I found this book. I've been sewing for less than a year and I really love it. The ideas in this book are so pretty and so simple. I work in a very casual environment but I like to wear dresses and skirts. This is a great compromise. I'll be honest and say that I haven't tried a ...

Improv Sewing: A Freeform Approach to Creative Techniques; 101 Fast, Fun, and Fearless Projects: Dresses, Tunics, Scarves, Skirts, Accessories, Pillows, Curtains, and More (2012) by Nicole Blum

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