Ich erwähnte es sicher schon - ich mag Paris ÜBERHAUPT nicht, und der Eiffelturm auf dem Cover hätte mich eher abgeschreckt (ist mir aber gar nicht aufgefallen). Aber das Hörbuch ist eine nette Geschichte, gelesen abwechselnd von einer Männer- und einer Frauenstimme. Nette -natürlich total vorher...
És una novel·la romàntica deliciosa que fa somniar i també somriure perquè és divertida. La prosa no és extraordinària, però els personatges estan molt ben dibuixats i el fet d'alternar dos narradors en primera persona corresponents als dos protagonistes dóna molt de joc. La trama no és original ...
Tal y como comes un cruasán en la maravillosa ciudad de París, podrías acabar leyendo este libro. Con la maravillosa y poética prosa de Barreau, aunque no haya sido una novela espectacular me ha entretenido bastante, y me gusta que esté ambientada en París, una de mis ciudades favoritas. Ligera y...
I wanted to like this book - but I could not. The story starts centered around a pretty young white girl, well educated, who runs her own restaurant living in Paris. When she's dumped by her boyfriend I really can't feel anything for her except annoyance at her self pity. She buys a book that ...
I bought this book because of the setting. PARIS. Yeah, I'm mad about Paris and everything that could bring me back there in imagination. The plot itself is unique and romantic. However I felt slightly disturbed with the translation. I found some funny words that weren't exactly fit for it. And I...
Nicolas Barreau , a pseudonym under which is hidden the German author Daniel Thiele, known for her novels ‘The woman of my dreams' and 'You'll find me at the end of the world', wrote another romance novel called ‘The Ingredients of Love’. Aurélie Bredin owns a small restaurant in Paris and she i...
I received this book from a Goodreads First Read giveaway. It was a lovely romantic comedy, that I went through in one sitting. I loved the characters and their development over time. I adore Melaine and Alain together, they're like a cute awkward couple, it's adorable.The translation is great wi...