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Nicola Griffith

Nicola Griffith
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Books by Nicola Griffith


Ammonite (2002)

Nicola Griffith's Ammonite was published in 1992, but it seems to me to live deeply in the shadow of other works of SF. Not that this is necessarily a problem, of course; building on the work of others is how we progress. On the other hand, Ammonite is so beholden to other, celebrated novels, tha...

Ammonite (2002) by Nicola Griffith

Stay (2003)

I'd read Nicola Griffith's previous book featuring the same protagonist, Aud Torvingen, about seven years ago and couldn't recall much in terms of plot or mood as I began to read this one.That is until a scene of climactic violence by ways of superhuman ferocity courtesy of the protagonist sudden...

Stay (2003) by Nicola Griffith

Slow River (1996)

This is one of those very rare science fiction books that I actually enjoyed (and yes, I love fantasy. If you think they are interchangeable, we need to talk). And there’s a lot of science here – futuristic eco-friendly wastewater treatment is a major part of the plot – but the real story is abou...

Slow River (1996) by Nicola Griffith

The Blue Place (1999)

Aud rhymes with shroud. Aud rhymes with proud.Aud Torvingen is a hell of a character. She’s six feet tall of toughness, danger, ass-kicking, emotionally complex, Scandinavian blondness. A Norwegian expat living in Atlanta, Georgia, Torvingen consults for the police (she’s an ex-cop), works as a ...

The Blue Place (1999) by Nicola Griffith

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