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Nick Bertozzi

Nick Bertozzi
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.51

Books by Nick Bertozzi


Shackleton: Antarctic Odyssey (2014)

Bertozzi lays out the 1914-17 journey of Ernest Shackleton and his men in a simplified but still comprehensive story. The art is somewhat minimal which works really well with the setting of Antarctica. You get a real feel for the expansive white and the terror of the ice floes. And putting real t...

Shackleton: Antarctic Odyssey (2014) by Nick Bertozzi

Lewis & Clark (2011)

A great depiction of the humanity (and lack thereof) of the early explorers. Also some great moments depicting the Aboriginal perspective on the expedition and how it fit into pre-existing alliances and conflicts. However, using it in a classroom would require a LOT of pre-teaching in order to he...

Lewis & Clark (2011) by Nick Bertozzi

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