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Natalie Babbitt

Natalie Babbitt
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Books by Natalie Babbitt


Tuck Everlasting (1985)

Five Stars: A book that should be treasured and read time and time again.Winnie Foster is tired of being cooped up and pampered. She is the only child of the Fosters who live in the "touch me not" cottage at the edge of the small woods. At ten, Winnie wants to see the world. Winnie promises th...

Tuck Everlasting (1985) by Natalie Babbitt

Kneeknock Rise (1984)

Another on the possible read-aloud list that probably won't make the cut for various reasons. 1) I LOVE the name of the mountain, which is the name of the book, it is pretty creative. Local people are frightened of it, so they call it "Knee-knock Rise." The small town at the base is called, also ...

Kneeknock Rise (1984) by Natalie Babbitt

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