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Natalie Angier

Natalie Angier
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Books by Natalie Angier


The Canon: A Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science (2007)

The subtitle" A whirligig tour of the beautiful basics of science, should have been my first clue, but i translated whirligig as more whirlwind and i bought the book. I assumed we would dash through the basic concepts of science, and through the race it would be a fun read for a topic I long to ...

The Canon: A Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science (2007) by Natalie Angier

Woman: An Intimate Geography (2000)

Feminist evolutionary biology! Almost an oxymoron. The closest I’d seen to evo-psych that didn’t strongly favor the established construct of “men philander, women are chaste because DARWIN” was Sex at Dawn, and this has a notably more grrl-power bent than that, but without being cloying, intimida...

Woman: An Intimate Geography (2000) by Natalie Angier

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