At first I was really enjoying this book, then it took a dive for a bit before resurfacing. I enjoyed the dynamic of their relationship and honestly I thought they would be ale to see it through but to be honest all of the sex was just a little too much for me (gasp) now I'm no prude, look at my ...
I found it increasingly difficult to read this book. While the characters were perfectly likable, I had a hard time with the plot. All I could really distinguish is that he is in lust with her and that she is hot for him, and they end up sleeping together and then BAM, they're in love. I never re...
It was frustrating at first. How the characters try and best each other in their own games. But later on, they get better with each other.It wasn't too heavy on the getting it on part, which is nice because, sometimes, authors get into details about unnecessary stuff ("she removed her shirt, then...