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Naoko Stoop

Naoko Stoop
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.82

Books by Naoko Stoop


Red Knit Cap Girl to the Rescue (2013)

Another beautiful story by Naoko Stoop. I love the fact that the illustrations are done on makes the sky and the water look so vibrant and beautiful!Our loveable Red Knit Cap Girl and friendly animals are back, making beautiful paper crafts, when they spot a baby polar bear strande...

Red Knit Cap Girl to the Rescue (2013) by Naoko Stoop

Red Knit Cap Girl and the Reading Tree (2014)

On a day when it was too hot to run around and play, Red Knit Cap Girl decides to read a book under a tree. Squirrel takes her to a big tree with a large nook at the base. Red Knit Cap Girl and her animal friends decide to make it their reading nook and bring all sorts of books and things to ma...

Red Knit Cap Girl and the Reading Tree (2014) by Naoko Stoop

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