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Nancy Warren

Nancy Warren
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Books by Nancy Warren


Kiss a Girl in the Rain (2014)

Take A Chance #1Evan's mother sends him a list that he made when he was 12 in his birthday card. He is turning 35. He is growing unhappy in his career. He is a very successful corporate lawyer. He has been seeing the same woman, Tessa, for two years. She is a lawyer at the same firm. He takes her...

Kiss a Girl in the Rain (2014) by Nancy Warren

Frosted Shadow, a Toni Diamond Mystery: A Romantic Comedy Mystery (2014)

What can I say? I'm a sucker for the cozies!This was the first book in the series, and the first time I have read anything by Nancy Warren. It was entertaining, and light. A bit too light, but OK.Toni Diamond (real name) is a make-up sales rep (like Mary Kay), and she is one of two highest seller...

Frosted Shadow, a Toni Diamond Mystery: A Romantic Comedy Mystery (2014) by Nancy Warren

Frosted Shadow (Toni Diamond Mysteries #1) (2011)

Fun romp through the micro culture of home party products. Provoked a nostalgia for Tupperware and Princess House crystal ware. Apparently it was too tempting for the author to lead each chapter with a clever quote from famous people but I wish she would have restrained herself since it interrupt...

Frosted Shadow (Toni Diamond Mysteries #1) (2011) by Nancy Warren

The Christmas Grandma Ran Away from Home (2012)

Have you ever been the Head Woman during a holiday dinner? If you are a man, then you might not know about the Head Woman, but if you are a woman, then you know who the woman-in-charge is. She’s the one who owns the house everyone is visiting, cleans and decorates, cooks the dishes, and cleans up...

The Christmas Grandma Ran Away from Home (2012) by Nancy Warren

Bad Boys Down Under (2005)

Sizzling in SydneySexy, macho Cameron Crane knows he needs San Francisco marketing guru Jennifer Talbot to take his Australian surf and boogie board business into the lucrative American market. No worries, mate. He’ll just seduce the little sheila. It’s not the first time he’s used his considerab...

Bad Boys Down Under (2005) by Nancy Warren

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