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Nancy Coffelt

Nancy Coffelt
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3.76 of 5 Votes: 2
Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.7

Books by Nancy Coffelt


Big, Bigger, Biggest! (2009)

This is a cute and friendly book full of color and personality. I picked it up after seeing it on a list for storytime books. And while I can see where other people could make this into a great storytime book, I am presently not one of them. (That of course isn't the book's fault. Just an observa...

Big, Bigger, Biggest! (2009) by Nancy Coffelt

Catch That Baby! (2011)

I had to pry this book out of my daughter's hands with the promise that another copy would be placed on hold immediately. Seriously.Toddler Rudy runs amuck after his bath with family (and readers) observing his hilarious exploits.I'm curious if other librarians will try to utilize this title in ...

Catch That Baby! (2011) by Nancy Coffelt

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