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Muriel Harris Weinstein

Muriel Harris Weinstein
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Books by Muriel Harris Weinstein


Play, Louis, Play!: The True Story of a Boy and His Horn (2010)

I recently read Muriel Harris Weinstein's Play, Louis, Play! The book is about Louis Armstrong and how he became famous. Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was brought up poor and was always looking for ways to make money for his family. I can relate to this when last year I w...

Play, Louis, Play!: The True Story of a Boy and His Horn (2010) by Muriel Harris Weinstein

When Louis Armstrong Taught Me Scat (2008)

"When Louis Armstrong Taught Me Scat" by Murial Harris Weinstein is a joyous tribute to Louis Armstrong and the art of scat. Who can resist lines like, "Before long the hands of the clock point to bedtime. Slipping under my blanket, scat words flash through my brain in neon, jump like Bo Peep's s...

When Louis Armstrong Taught Me Scat (2008) by Muriel Harris Weinstein

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