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Mo Hayder

Mo Hayder
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Books by Mo Hayder


Birdman (2000)

Pretty good premise on the make-up of the hero detective, but I couldn’t quite deal with the Gothic excess of violence . Your mileage might vary.Our thirtysomething detective on the London police, Jack Caffery. Is damaged goods. Like a lot of tough guys in crime noir, our man has a troubled ...

Birdman (2000) by Mo Hayder

The Devil of Nanking (2006)

”You can be brave and confident as you like, you can convince yourself that you’re invulnerable, that you know what you’re dealing with. You think that it won’t ever really get too serious--that there’ll be some kind of a warning before it goes that far, danger music, maybe, playing offstage, the...

The Devil of Nanking (2006) by Mo Hayder

Ritual (2008)

Hmm. Okay I felt this was definitely a step away from the last Jack Caffery book, but I'm just not sure if it's a step forward, or simply just a step to the side. First and foremost, I have to say Hayder writes really compelling mystery plots. I love the central plots of her books. I love her wri...

Ritual (2008) by Mo Hayder

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