This story, Don't Turn Around, is about an orphan girl named Noa Torson who is a member of an organization called /ALLIANCE/ which is a group of people who are computer hackers. Noa is one of the best and most known for her hacking skills. The leader and founder of /ALLIANCE/, Peter Gregory, cont...
I really liked this book. This book has a lot of mystery and confusion in the beginning it really kept me curious which kept me reading non stop. The story had non stop action from start to finish. The story began to lighten up and I could tell where the book was going. Im normally not a fan of m...
I suppose it was an okay book but what bothered me was the switch in the prose: whose-eyes-are-we-seeing-the-world-through-now?I know it wasn't written in first person but it felt like a chunk of the book expressed things through Kelly's eyes, the killer's and the stalker's....the important peopl...