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Michael W. Cuneo

Michael W. Cuneo
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Books by Michael W. Cuneo


One Last Kiss: The Chilling True Story of a Cheating Husband Who Murdered His Wife and Children (2012)

This book really was hard for me to put down. The entire story enraptured me so much I had to go online and look up videos pictures everything and anything I could find about the case; which drew my interest even more! I thought the style in which the author wrote was pretty good, some of the con...

One Last Kiss: The Chilling True Story of a Cheating Husband Who Murdered His Wife and Children (2012) by Michael W. Cuneo

Almost Midnight: An American Story of Murder and Redemption (2005)

Almost Midnight, by Michael W. Cuneo, is a well researched investigative documentary centering on a little known local boy turned outlaw whose execution is miraculous commuted by intervention from Pope John Paul II and Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan.For anyone outside the southwest Missouri Ozark...

Almost Midnight: An American Story of Murder and Redemption (2005) by Michael W. Cuneo

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