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Michael Swanwick

Michael Swanwick
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Books by Michael Swanwick


The Iron Dragon's Daughter (2012)

I've owned this book--purchased new in its first edition--for a long while now, without having ever read it. Then I recently read "King Dragon", which was incorporated into Iron Dragon's sequel, and loved it, so I figured it was time to go back and finally read the thing.The book started quite s...

The Iron Dragon's Daughter (2012) by Michael Swanwick

Stations of the Tide (2001)

Swanwick is one those rare authors who - I believe - deserves more recognition than he gets. He is certainly not for everyone (yes, yes, I realize I'm balancing precariously on the very edge of eternal hipsterdoom here); Stations of the Tide lacks that solid straightforwardness which popular boo...

Stations of the Tide (2001) by Michael Swanwick

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