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Michael Frayn

Michael Frayn
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Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.84

Books by Michael Frayn


My Father's Fortune (2010)

This would have been a much better portrait of his father if Michael Frayn had not spent so much of it musing why he didn’t remember more about various pivotal incidents. And for a memoir about his father’s life, there is a bit too much about his own teenage years. Adolescent self-absorption a...

My Father's Fortune (2010) by Michael Frayn

Headlong (2015)

A major disappointment...Here we have a perfect example of how a book can affect people in very different ways. Highly recommended by several people whose opinions I value and with whom I often find myself in agreement, I assumed I would love this book. Hmm!When our first-person narrator, Martin ...

Headlong (2015) by Michael Frayn

Copenhagen (2000)

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. If you're interested in history of science and WW2, especially physics and atomic bomb, I can't recommend it highly enough. Of course, this is a work of fiction and Frayn knows nothing about quantum mechanics, but still... it's interesting, informative and cleverly...

Copenhagen (2000) by Michael Frayn

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