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Melissa Nathan

Melissa Nathan
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Books by Melissa Nathan


Pride, Prejudice and Jasmin Field (2001)

I had convinced myself before reading this book that I would only give it two stars based on the cover and concept, but surprised myself by liking it more than I thought I would. I'm going through books that people have given me and actually reading them now that I have the time, so this was anot...

Pride, Prejudice and Jasmin Field (2001) by Melissa Nathan

The Learning Curve (2006)

*Special Content only on my blog, Strange and Random Happenstance during An Excess of Chicks: Chick Lit Month (April 2014)Nicky Hobbs loves her job teaching school, even if she often dwells on the fact that her life at thirty is far different from the life she dreamed she'd have when she was twen...

The Learning Curve (2006) by Melissa Nathan

Persuading Annie (2004)

Once upon a time....the beautiful, auburn headed, vivacious teenager Annie Markham had an awful scare. She thought that she was pregnant. And when she shared this bit of news with her teen boyfriend, Jake...he turned an unbecoming shade of puce, yelled out a panicky speech and promptly fainted. V...

Persuading Annie (2004) by Melissa Nathan

The Waitress (2005)

My Review: The late Melissa Nathan was an excellent chick-lit author. Even though the storyline of her book, The Waitress, doesn’t really deviate too far away from the other chick-lit books out there, there was still something distinct in her style of writing that make the book looks unique. I’ve...

The Waitress (2005) by Melissa Nathan

The Nanny (2003)

In recent months, I have waded through some fairly mediocre chick-lit. I have left books halfway, groaned at the plot-predictability and mentally castigated the dull-as-ditchwater heroines and their pompous heroes.So now when I come across an author who took a much-mauled genre and perfectly boun...

The Nanny (2003) by Melissa Nathan

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