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Meg Gardiner

Meg Gardiner
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Books by Meg Gardiner


Mission Canyon (2015)

Mission Canyon is a place of nightmares and regrets for Evan Delaney and her fiancé, Jessie. It’s been just over three years since Jessie and his best friend, Isaac, where run down while riding their bikes up in Mission Canyon. For Jessie, it’s meant piecing his life back together; physical thera...

Mission Canyon (2015) by Meg Gardiner

Kill Chain (2007)

I am a huge Meg Gardiner fan. She is an expert at weaving a thrilling tale and this one is right up there with the rest. I was devastated at the end of Crosscut, and while Kill Chain made me feel a little better, I'm still agonizing over the plight of Evan Delaney. Honestly, I think that's the...

Kill Chain (2007) by Meg Gardiner

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