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Matt Ruff

Matt Ruff
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Books by Matt Ruff


Bad Monkeys (2007)

Monkey ShinesA review by Gerry DonaghyJane Charlotte works for The Department of Final Disposition of Irredeemable Persons, a division of a nameless organization dedicated to fighting evil. The nickname for her division is Bad Monkeys, and at the beginning of Matt Ruff's novel of the same name, J...

Bad Monkeys (2007) by Matt Ruff

Set This House in Order: A Romance of Souls (2004)

Within a week of finishing this book, I had loaned my copy to a friend and bought a copy for my brother. This is exactly the kind of inspired, ambitious fiction that I want to read, and I would occasionally start to mourn or panic when I would be hit by some reminder that, at some point, I was g...

Set This House in Order: A Romance of Souls (2004) by Matt Ruff

Fool on the Hill (1997)

This is a contemporary fantasy story that isn't derivative of Tolkien, which in and of itself merits at least three stars. Beyond that quirk, though, this is a terrific story. I was introduced to Matt Ruff through The Mirage: A Novel, which I loved, and I wanted to try his first novel to see if...

Fool on the Hill (1997) by Matt Ruff

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