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Marya Hornbacher

Marya Hornbacher
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Books by Marya Hornbacher


The Center of Winter (2006)

Oh, this is hard. First of all, I went into this book biased by Wasted. When someone's autobiography is that uncomfortable, and I come out the end kind of not liking her a whole lot, but just maybe, still a bit fascinated, that's a tough place to be in when reading a debut novel. I'm deeply am...

The Center of Winter (2006) by Marya Hornbacher

Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia (2006)

Edited to add disclaimer. PLEASE err on the side of extreme caution if you are recovering from ED or were planning to share this book with a young person who may be in a vulnerable position. As someone who has struggled from an ED myself, I can say that this book contains many things that could t...

Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia (2006) by Marya Hornbacher

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