This was a very enjoyable read. Of course it was mostly about Winston, but it was also an interesting account of the famous ancestors and other,lesser known, family members. There is adequate coverage of the military and political careers of the main characters, but the story of their personal ...
My review on my blog 'Preludes'The key to a good biography is that it picks you up and drops you right in the middle of the protagonist's life and allows you to see the world with new eyes. In nothing is this more important than in historical biographies, where you're given the protagonist as a u...
I loved West With the Night that I read several months ago so I was interested in foraging forthe real story behind Beryl Markham’s soloflight west across the Atlantic, her childhoodin Africa and her relationship with several famous men of the early twentieth century. Beryl’s father was a failed ...
Mostanában tök sok non-fictiont olvasok. Nem tudom megmondani miért, de nem is fontos. Meséltem ugye, hogy tök véletlenül kattantam rá a Mitford nővérekre, mert két könyvben is szembejöttek velem és hát hogy az istenbe' ne lenne érdekes 6 lánytestvér a XX. század elejéről, akik között volt fasisz...