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Mary Karr

Mary Karr
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Books by Mary Karr


Cherry (2015)

I'm writing my own stories about growing up in Texas; so I naturally had to read LIAR'S CLUB and CHERRY. I'm glad I did, although my tortured journey toward adulthood began ten years earlier than Mary's and involved nine years in an orphanage. Not comparing; just giving my angle of orientation. T...

Cherry (2015) by Mary Karr

The Liars' Club (2005)

stephen king raves about this book in his book about writing, on writing. i loved on writing & think stephen king is an awesomely underrated craftsperson when it comes to writing, so i eventually got my act together & checked this book out of the library. kind of astonishing that it took me like ...

The Liars' Club (2005) by Mary Karr

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