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Mary Gaitskill

Mary Gaitskill
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Books by Mary Gaitskill


Two Girls, Fat and Thin (1998)

I haven't read a lot of Mary Gaitskill. In fact, her short story, "Girl on the Plane," is the only other Gaitskill work I've read. Based on the strength of that story, however, I picked up this novel. I had some reservations because I normally don't like sex in fiction (I also don't like to read ...

Two Girls, Fat and Thin (1998) by Mary Gaitskill

Veronica (2005)

loved this novel. "Veronica" is freshly and honestly told with a perspective not often seen in serious fiction. The narrator is a woman named Alison. At the time we meet Alison, she is about fifty years old, alone, poor, broken and sick with hepatitis and other ailments. She lives in San Rafael, ...

Veronica (2005) by Mary Gaitskill

Because They Wanted To (1998)

The first 40-50 pages of Mary Gaitskill's writing that I read was a lot of fun - I was nodding along and "oh my god, totally" -ing with her descriptions of uncertain people in uncertain situations. So then I went on a Mary Gaitskill binge - I read everything she wrote, and realized that I was re-...

Because They Wanted To (1998) by Mary Gaitskill

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