McKenna is another great story from the American Girl series!Since McKenna is a gymnast, many terms about gymnastics are used, which I found interesting. It helped add fine details to the story. Also, I enjoyed reading about Josie, a girl who uses a wheelchair to get around---the part she contrib...
I read the American Girl historical series growing up (Kaya, Felicity, Josephina, Addy, Kirsten, Samantha, Kit, and Molly). This is one of the newer books featuring an American Girl Today (a specific girl/doll that is only available for one year). I thought that it was a decent read, the charac...
i think mckenna ready to fly was also a good book. i liked the first book a little better though. mckenna became really good friends with her turor, josie. josie is not able to walk and is only able to get around in a wheelchair. mckenna helps Josie a lot and josie has always wanted to go horseba...
Adorable story that is about a man named Dirk Yeller who comes into town with this terrible cat-scratch fever. He starts terrorizing the town until a brave boy named Sam confronts him and tries to calm down his cat-scratch fever. Nothing seems to be working until he walks into a book store and pi...