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Mark Dunn

Mark Dunn
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Books by Mark Dunn


Ella Minnow Pea (2002)

*WARNING - This is MY FAVORITE book of all time, so there will be gooing, gushing and shameless pluggery!Welcome to Nollop, a quaint, autonomous island that lies quite near Charlotte, SC. Though the islanders shun modern technology, they take pride in their educated citizenry. Language is pract...

Ella Minnow Pea (2002) by Mark Dunn

Ibid (2005)

I have been looking forward to reading Ibid: A Life by Mark Dunn. It is the imaginative biography of Jonathan Blashette, a three-legged man. After opening with several letters between the author, his editor, and his brother, that explain what happened to the actual manuscript, the entire story co...

Ibid (2005) by Mark Dunn

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