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Marilyn Todd

Marilyn Todd
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Books by Marilyn Todd


Man Eater (2013)

Taking place in 12 BC, this is the third Claudia Sefarius book. Marilyn Todd's writing is clear and the story moves right along, although her style occasionally irks.Claudia heads to Etruria to check her vineyards, but must make a stop in Cumbria after her carriage is forced off the road. During...

Man Eater (2013) by Marilyn Todd

I, Claudia (2014)

I first read this series when I was about 14, and totally fell in love - I have re-read it so many times since then. I'm a big fan of all things Ancient Rome, and while I think that helps - as it makes details throughout the story more interesting, it's certainly not a requirement for enjoying th...

I, Claudia (2014) by Marilyn Todd

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