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Margaret McHeyzer

Margaret McHeyzer
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Books: 4 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.86

Books by Margaret McHeyzer


A Life Less Broken (2000)

**I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review**The author starts this book with a warning that the story contains distressing content so I prepared myself both mentally and emotionally. Or so I thought... A Life Less Broken was definitely a dark, gut wrenching read starting fr...

A Life Less Broken (2000) by Margaret McHeyzer

Grit (2014)

Being a lover of MC books, Grit came highly recommended. I am so glad I listened! It definitely lived up to the title. GRIT.It was raw, gritty, sexy, funny at times, sad, and oh so dirty!Jaeger - wow, that man was sex on two legs. He thought with his little head more than his big one! I wanted to...

Grit (2014) by Margaret McHeyzer

My Life for Yours (2000)

I really liked this book!!But I HATED how this book ends! I mean Francesca dies! SHE FRECKLING DIES!! I can't believe she dies in the end and how Jeremy is alone to raise a baby. I mean he seams to be doing a great dad and all, but its sad how Frankie finally said yes to marrying Jeremy, and she ...

My Life for Yours (2000) by Margaret McHeyzer

HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter (Hit #1) (2013)

Anna Brookes What can I say? I loved this book. It was a total alpha female, kick ass book that drew you in and held you captive until the end. The plot was amazing, the writing was exceptional and the ending will blow you away.At a young age, Anna’s mom left her and her father, the police chi...

HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter (Hit #1) (2013) by Margaret McHeyzer

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