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Maggie Barbieri

Maggie Barbieri
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3.7 of 5 Votes: 2
Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.73

Books by Maggie Barbieri


Physical Education (2011)

This is the second of the Dr. Allison Bergeron mysteries I have read. They are light and fairly meaty but this one was too enigmatic to be totally enjoyable. She spent too much time trying to figure out what her police-detective husband was doing, and Barberi didn't give the reader enough to chew...

Physical Education (2011) by Maggie Barbieri

Extra Credit (2012)

This is my first read in the Murder 101 series, and I liked it OK. Alison Bergeron is a professor married to a NYPD detective. Her struggles with her teenage stepdaughters, her husband's ex's crazy family, and the evil nuns where she teaches make up the bulk of the novel. This reminds me of a ver...

Extra Credit (2012) by Maggie Barbieri

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