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M. John Harrison

M. John Harrison
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Books by M. John Harrison


The Course of the Heart (2006)

A gnostic tale that hits you like a kick in the gut. Harrison's bleak narrative centers around epilepsy, sex, magic, medieval legend, cancer, car crashes, and how badly fantasy can hurt. If you're the kind of reader whose biggest wish is still to get a letter from Hogwarts, or (more topically) to...

The Course of the Heart (2006) by M. John Harrison

Nova Swing (2007)

When reading this series I felt that#1 Light was amazing and one of the best SF books I have read. Regarding ideas, style and structure, world-building as well as characters.#2 Nova Swing while still high quality with excellent style and ideas, was much weaker regarding plot, characters and it's ...

Nova Swing (2007) by M. John Harrison

Climbers (2004)

If you were a climber and were expecting this to be some kind of literary version of The Eiger Sanction, then you'd probably be disappointed. But then, I don't think M. John Harrison would care too much, given that many of the readers of this book were probably expecting it to be a sci-fi masterp...

Climbers (2004) by M. John Harrison

The Centauri Device (2000)

Captain Truck, son of Annie Truck, is the last of the Centaurans; a humanoid race whom humanity mostly exterminated during a terrible war. What was left of the race fled into the galaxy and intermingled, sometimes breeding with humans.It was thought during the final stages of the war that the Cen...

The Centauri Device (2000) by M. John Harrison

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