I took this with me on a much needed holiday a few weeks ago. I had been looking forward to devoting the time to losing myself in an entertaining read as my life is such that at present with the caring responsibilities I have to carry out, I don't get much 'me' time where I can read uninterrupte...
My interest in UK reads is starting.This is a fun and funny read. The main character, Alice, was a little innocent at times. But she was naively funny, not annoying.Anyway, for us - nonUK peeps - wellies are short for wellington boots. Still explaining further, these are simply "rain boots" or "f...
I've been on a Lynda Renham kick as of late, and have now read four of her books. All of them make me laugh out loud and are a great read at the gym for me. I do have to say though this was my least favorite thus far, and if this is the first one you've read by her don't give up, as the rest of ...