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Lucy Ellmann

Lucy Ellmann
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Books by Lucy Ellmann


Varying Degrees of Hopelessness (2015)

Lucy Ellmann is our new and improved Charlotte Bronte. An interviewer once described her: "In person, Lucy Ellmann appears almost pathologically shy. She speaks quietly, sometimes barely rising above a mumble, her big blue-eyed gaze wanders around the room, her hand hovers in front of her mouth a...

Varying Degrees of Hopelessness (2015) by Lucy Ellmann

Man or Mango? (1999)

Ellmann tickles me just so, but while I laughed and gasped and shook my head wonderingly at various times reading Man or Mango?, on the whole it left me perplexed. This is Ellman's third book, and it strikes me as an important one in her corpus. (If I can be permitted such an assertion, having on...

Man or Mango? (1999) by Lucy Ellmann

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