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Luc Sante

Luc Sante
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Books by Luc Sante


The Big Con: The Story of the Confidence Man (1999)

David W. Maurer was a linguist, and language, professional argot, is his entree to the world of conmen, but don't let that fool you. He loves his subjects. This kind of book has a long history. Robert Greene started it all with his Coney Catching pamphlets, about con artists in Elizabethan London...

The Big Con: The Story of the Confidence Man (1999) by Luc Sante

Pedigree (2010)

Che sia anche un romanzo autobiografico lo dice Simenon stesso nella prefazione: “L’infanzia di Roger Mamelin, il suo ambiente, lo sfondo su cui si muove sono molto vicini alla realtà, come i personaggi che egli osserva. I fatti non sono quasi mai inventati”. Il libro fu scritto da Simenon in cir...

Pedigree (2010) by Luc Sante

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