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Louise Fitzhugh

Louise Fitzhugh
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Books by Louise Fitzhugh


Harriet the Spy (2001)

This isn’t a great children’s book. This is a great book whose protagonist happens to be very young.This is a book that manages to be shocking in spite of the absence of sex, drugs, and violence. Harriet isn’t forced to kick arse in a fight to the death, or struggle to feed her family. On the con...

Harriet the Spy (2001) by Louise Fitzhugh

Harriet the Spy, Double Agent (2007)

I feel a certain loyalty to Harriet, since the original Harriet the Spy was one of my favorite books as a kid. I had my doubts about the two sequels, each written by different authors after Louis Fitzhugh's too-soon death, but both did a fairly good job of staying true to the spirit of Harriet.Ha...

Harriet the Spy, Double Agent (2007) by Louise Fitzhugh

Nobody's Family Is Going to Change (1986)

4 and 1/2 stars (Not 5 only because I can't bear to give it as many stars as I did "Harriet the Spy")I can't count how many times I read Fitzhugh's "Harriet the Spy" when I was a child and yet I didn't come across any of her other books then. I'd never heard of this one until I deciphered the c...

Nobody's Family Is Going to Change (1986) by Louise Fitzhugh

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