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Lorenzo Carcaterra

Lorenzo Carcaterra
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Books by Lorenzo Carcaterra


Sleepers (1996)

I love both the book and the film because of wonderful character development. Four kids living in the toughness of Hell's Kitchen on the west side of Manhattan. Mischievious, yet innocent, these boys are always playing pranks, or having the kind of fun only poor, at risk kids have, splashing into...

Sleepers (1996) by Lorenzo Carcaterra

Gangster (2002)

Gangster is a wonderfully crafted epic about the rise of Angelo Vesteri to become one of the most decorated dons to have bedecked the arena of murderous mobsters in the United States. The narrative opens with the events leading to the escape of Paulino, Angelo’s father, from the Mafiosi in Italy....

Gangster (2002) by Lorenzo Carcaterra

Street Boys (2003)

This book starts out with a great premise (a few hundred street kids protecting their city from an invading Nazi regiment), and then wastes every opportunity to fully take advantage of it. The end result is like an uncomfortable marriage between Inglorious Basterds and a Disney cartoon: It's vi...

Street Boys (2003) by Lorenzo Carcaterra

Apaches: A Novel of Suspense (2005)

Carcaterra, Lorenzo: APACHES: excellent story, full of thrilling events but a tad bit (well, more than a tad bit) gruesome for me (pre-teen girl abducted, raped/fingers severed, etc.); even the “can’t put down” ending was gruesome (and probably not realistic), but hey it’s a story.; Heard ab. t...

Apaches: A Novel of Suspense (2005) by Lorenzo Carcaterra

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