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Lois Lenski

Lois Lenski
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Books by Lois Lenski


Strawberry Girl (2005)

Strawberry Girl was the first novel I read by children’s book author and illustrator Lois Lenski (October 14, 1893 – September 11, 1974). I read the book in the fifth grade in secret, because with its pink cover, not to mention title, was girly. At the time, I was in the process of reading books ...

Strawberry Girl (2005) by Lois Lenski

Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison (1995)

“It don’t matter what happens, if you’re only strong and have great courage.”Molly’s life at home before being kidnapped: “There was always a load of anxiety there, reflected in her mother’s face and her father’s stern words. A load of worry which pressed down up on her naturally light spirits an...

Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison (1995) by Lois Lenski

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