i wasted my money on this stupid book! first of all there were many mistakes about the characters! jacob was not a bad werewolf. and the quizzes were stupid! i hate this book. its a worthless book!!! let me just tell you--- i didn't finish the book,. and im not planning to read it any again!! all...
This book is mistitled, it shouldn't be called a Twilight Guide, it should be called "How To Date Edward Cullen". I was looking for a book that would cover some of the themes in Twilight, what I got was a book that gushed about how romantic Edward is. This book doesn't cover facts about the serie...
Returned to Library without finishing book. When I found the book, I was really interested in reading a bit more about the The Hunger Games, but this book did not meet my expectations.I feel like the book wasn't a 'companion' book to the series. It didn't present just facts about the book/author/...
You will enjoy this book if you are a fan of The Hunger Games. Some parts were really intriguing, other parts were a little boring or felt way too far from the topic. The Hunger Games trilogy was compared to historical events/ old apocalyptic books throughout The Hunger Games Companion- not that ...
Non sono un grandissimo esperto di Star Trek, però insomma qualchecosina la so anche, pur confessando che dopo TNG mi sono perso abbastanza. Mi sono preso così a suo tempo questo vecchio libro, e in questi giorni me lo sono letto con la malcelata speranza di vedere cosa era successo in questi die...