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Livia Blackburne

Livia Blackburne
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.7

Books by Livia Blackburne


Midnight Thief (2014)

A respectable debut novel, but I felt as if the book was lacking depth in certain areas. I cannot determine if this result of a new author writing the story or the fact that certain events were being saved for a sequel... Which leads to another point: why must all new fantasy books now have a seq...

Midnight Thief (2014) by Livia Blackburne

Poison Dance (2013)

I've got to begin by saying that this cover is such a bummer. I think that the cover of book one, Midnight Thief, is absolutely gorgeous and this is just so...not. I understand that this book isn't really published by Disney, but I wish they matched and were on the same level of beauty.With that ...

Poison Dance (2013) by Livia Blackburne

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