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Lisa Suzanne

Lisa Suzanne
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.93

Books by Lisa Suzanne


How He Really Feels (2013)

I received this book from the author, free of cost, in exchange for an honest review.Julianne and Nick worked in the same office for a marketing firm. They were both very, very attracted to each other the first time they saw each other but didn't let on. Nick was Julianne's boss so that made it...

How He Really Feels (2013) by Lisa Suzanne

Side Effects (2014)

Side Effects, I found this book to be a little ordinary. Just a normal contemporary romance about two people who both were hurt in the past. The story line is good but it not something that grabs you. Quinn Carpenter doesn't do relationships and only like the bad boy type. In walks Reed Porter ni...

Side Effects (2014) by Lisa Suzanne

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