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Lisa Goldstein

Lisa Goldstein
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Books by Lisa Goldstein


Strange Devices of the Sun And Moon (1994)

I enjoyed this quite a bit. This is a fairly rare avis--historical fantasy, set during the Elizabethian Age. There are characters here that really existed, such as Queen Elizabeth I of England, her spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham, and above all, some of the key playrights, poets and pamphleteers...

Strange Devices of the Sun And Moon (1994) by Lisa Goldstein

The Alchemist's Door (2003)

While it was not all I was hoping for, I started reading it and couldn't put it down. Literally got sucked into the pages, so to speak. I thought it was a cute story, very preposterous, indeed, but a fun read that was well worth the time put into it. I have other books by Lisa Goldstein (walking ...

The Alchemist's Door (2003) by Lisa Goldstein

The Red Magician (1995)

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 starsGenre: Fiction with a little fantasyAge Recommended: 12 and upThis story was a little creepy at times but overall it was great. It was set in the time of WWII and I really liked that the author combined the idea of witchcraft with WWII, making it seem as if they were rel...

The Red Magician (1995) by Lisa Goldstein

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