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Lisa Alther

Lisa Alther
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Books by Lisa Alther


Kinflicks (1999)

Before I start my review of Alther’s debut triumphant novel, let me put a list of novels with the same theme together with their publication date and some commentaries. Fear of Flying by Erica Jong. (1973)Kinflicks by Lisa Alther. (1975)The World According to Garp by John Irving. (1978)Parachutes...

Kinflicks (1999) by Lisa Alther

Five Minutes in Heaven (1996)

A while ago I mentioned here that I like stories about obsessive love. I'm not sure what it says about me that I do, but anyhow, this is one such story. It's obsessive, it's haunting and it's compelling, and gets four stars just for that. Once upon a time I'd have given it five, but no, it's not ...

Five Minutes in Heaven (1996) by Lisa Alther

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