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Lesley Pearse

Lesley Pearse
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Books: 10 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.12

Books by Lesley Pearse


Sonhos Proibidos (2012)

É impossível não gostar de um livro desta autora e há muito tempo que deixei de ser capaz de dar uma opinião minimamente objetiva eheh É mais um livro excelente, com uma história que nos prende até à última pagina e que, neste caso, continua no 2º livro. Não tem muitas mortes, o que é estranho te...

Sonhos Proibidos (2012) by Lesley Pearse

Bir Nefes Uzakta (2014)

I really really disliked this book.The main character appears to switch personality every five seconds as do many of the other characters. The style of writing makes the characters inaccessible - I still didn't feel I knew Belle after two hundred odd pages.The plot twists were far too numerous, t...

Bir Nefes Uzakta (2014) by Lesley Pearse

Perdoa-me (2014)

Forgive Me by Lesley Pearse is an amazing read. It starts off with the suicide of Eva's mother, for no apparent reason, and then follows Eva and her family's life as they all struggle to come to terms with what has happened. The way that the plot develops with many twists and turns, unexpected ...

Perdoa-me (2014) by Lesley Pearse

Tara (1994)

I have never read a bad book by this author. One of her best, imho, is Trust Me and I have recommended it to many people. Although her books tend to be on the big side, 600-700 pages, they are quick reads.Back Cover Blurb:This is the story of three beautiful and talented women. Mabel, whose gre...

Tara (1994) by Lesley Pearse

Camellia (1997)

Schon früh verliert Camellia ihren Vater und das Leben an der Seite ihrer Mutter Bonny, die sich nur für andere Männer und Alkohol zu interessieren scheint, ist nicht immer einfach. Als Bonny nun tot aufgefunden wird, deutet alles auf Selbstmord hin. Camellia ist nun auf sich gestellt und versuch...

Camellia (1997) by Lesley Pearse

Georgia (1993)

Well it’s a very long time I read Lesley as I had preferred the books by Indian authors like Durjoy datta and Nikita Singh, the GEORGIA, as her earlier novels this book is also came with same theme a girl rises out the triumph over adversity. I had intrigued about this book because it is her debu...

Georgia (1993) by Lesley Pearse

Charity (2001)

Like every book I've read by Lesley Pearse, I thoroughly enjoyed Charity. This book starts off telling a story of young girl called Charity. She is growing up in poverty with her two brothers and sister. Her mum isn't interested in the welfare of her kids and her dad is more interested in sexuall...

Charity (2001) by Lesley Pearse

A Lesser Evil (2015)

'You will live to regret this!' is Clara Brown's opinion when her headstrong daughter Fifi secretly marries Dan Reynolds, a handsome but itinerant bricklayer. Dan and Fifi move to London and a seedy flat in Dale Street, Kennington, and despite initial feelings of horror at her new surroundings, F...

A Lesser Evil (2015) by Lesley Pearse

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